
Teduh and Taylor Swift Asia Official Fanbase Unite at the “The Eras Festival” 2023


Teduh and Taylor Swift Asia Official Fanbase Unite at the “The Eras Festival” 2023

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A sensational convergence of the entertainment world and mental health has occurred in a captivating collaboration at the October 2023 “The Eras Festival.” It’s a moment when Teduh, the committed mental health service provider, and Taylor Swift Indonesia Official Fanbase, the official Taylor Swift fan community in Indonesia, joined forces with a shared commitment to emphasize the importance of mental healthcare in Indonesia.

When speaking about the collaboration between Teduh and Taylor Swift’s fan community, a shared understanding of the urgency of mental health care in the homeland takes center stage. Christian Chonardo, one of Teduh’s founders who received his education at Princeton University, made it clear that Indonesia faces a serious issue regarding mental health. “Data shows that there were over 45,000 suicide attempts in Indonesia last year. These alarming statistics require greater attention,” stated Chonardo.

Taylor Swift, a world-renowned singer and songwriter, has long been known for her powerful and meaningful lyrics. Many of her songs encapsulate struggles and life stories closely related to mental health. Swift herself has advocated the importance of mental health care and often encourages her listeners to seek help if they feel stressed or require psychological support.

A real-life example is her song titled “Breathe,” where there is a powerful meaning and message on how one can take care of their own mental health. This song teaches skills in dealing with various challenging situations. Just like in a good story and music, Swift’s lyrics provide comfort and assistance to many. Having and using healthy coping skills is a significant part of mental well-being.

Furthermore, her lyrics play a role in expressing and regulating emotions. Swift’s lyrics validate emotional experiences, helping people better understand, label, and express their own feelings. This is a significant benefit, as research has shown that an inability to identify and discuss feelings is linked to poor mental health.

ImageIn this collaboration, Teduh and Taylor Swift Official Fanbase have brought forth a powerful message about the importance of mental health to the public. They have united to provide support, raise awareness, and eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health, delivering a profound message through music and mental health services. This breakthrough showcases how music and mental health can synergize, ushering in a new era where emotional feelings and understanding receive greater attention.

About PT Teduh Karya Asia
Teduh is a startup striving to solve Indonesia’s mental health crisis. ​ We provide psychology resources tailored for the Indonesian audience by considering factors such as culture, religion, stigma, and ideology. These resources include online therapy and telemedicine, mindfulness meditation, self-help therapy courses, mood tracker, etc. Teduh seeks to be a one-stop solution for Southeast Asians’ mental health needs through an innovative, sustainable and customer-centric manner.
This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES

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